Joyride Research

Questionnaire for Sexually Submissive Men


This questionnaire aims to help us explore the attitudes, preferences, behaviours, and psychological characteristics of sexually submissive men. The data gathered is anonymous and is only used in aggregate to better understand sexual behaviors and preferences.

All questions are optional but it is important to answer honestly.

Please note that this questionnaire covers sensitive material related to sexual behaviours. If you feel uncomfortable at any time you should stop.

Thank you, your data is invaluable.

- Mistress O.

Section 1: Demographics

Age: Gender Identity: Sexual Orientation: Relationship Status: Current Sexual Partners:

Section 2: Preferences & Behaviors

How would you describe your sexual role in relationships? How frequently do you engage in submissive sexual behaviours? Which of the following submissive behaviours do you enjoy or find arousing? (Select all that apply) To what extent do you enjoy being physically restrained? How comfortable are you with the concept of pain? Do you fantasise about being sexually dominated? Do you enjoy degradation or humiliation? How much control do you prefer your partner to have over your sexual experiences?

Section 3: Deviance & Non-normative Practices

Do you engage in any sexual practices that you would consider unconventional or deviant? Which of the following non-normative sexual practices have you participated in? (Select all that apply) How often do you participate in these practices? How much of your sexual identity do these non-normative practices represent? Do you experience guilt or shame after engaging in non-normative sexual behaviours? Do you feel that your sexual preferences negatively impact your mental or emotional health?

Section 4: Psychological Attitudes

On a scale of 1-5, how much do you agree with the following statement: "I find pleasure in surrendering control to others"? On a scale of 1-5, how much do you agree with the following statement: "I enjoy being vulnerable in sexual situations"? On a scale of 1-5, how much do you agree with the following statement: "I feel empowered by my sexual submissiveness"? To what extent does your sexual submissiveness align with your personality in non-sexual contexts? Do you feel that society stigmatises your sexual preferences? On a scale of 1-5, how much do you agree with the following statement: "I feel judged by others for my sexual preferences"? How comfortable are you with discussing your sexual preferences with past and present partners? How important is consent in your sexual interactions, particularly those involving dominance and submission? On a scale of 1-5, how much do you agree with the following statement: "I worry about the ethical implications of my sexual desires"?

Section 5: Emotional Aspects

How do you typically feel after engaging in submissive or deviant sexual acts? Do you discuss your submissive or deviant sexual interests with your past and present partner(s)? How do you feel your sexual preferences affect your past and present romantic relationships? Do you feel that your sexual submissiveness is misunderstood by your past and present partner(s)?

Section 6: Rounding Details

What role do you believe your submissive or deviant preferences play in your overall sexual identity?

Section 7: Receptivity to Influence

Rate each statement on a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 is "Strongly Disagree" and 5 is "Strongly Agree". I am open to new ideas, even if they challenge my current beliefs.

I enjoy letting myself get lost in fantasy or imaginative activities.

When listening to others, I often find myself agreeing, even if I initially had a different opinion.

I am good at visualizing scenarios vividly in my mind.

I can easily get “swept up” in the emotions or beliefs of a group or crowd.

I tend to trust people quickly and often give them the benefit of the doubt.

I find it difficult to say "no" when someone asks me for a favour or makes a request.

I am more likely to comply with a request if it’s coming from an authority figure or someone I respect.

I believe that people generally know what’s best for me.

I am comfortable following instructions without needing to question them.

I prefer clear rules and guidance to help me make decisions.

I sometimes feel uncertain about my own beliefs or opinions.

I find myself looking to others for reassurance in unfamiliar situations.

I am more comfortable when someone else takes the lead in decision-making.

I value having a structured environment over making decisions independently.

I am easily influenced by the opinions of my friends and family.

I often find myself thinking in line with the popular opinion on social media or in the news.

I feel uncomfortable when I disagree with the views of a group I’m part of.

I often adopt the opinions of others to avoid conflict or fit in better.

I tend to mimic the behaviours or attitudes of those around me without much thought.

I am more likely to believe something if it is presented in a dramatic or emotional way.

I can easily empathise with others and sometimes even feel their emotions as my own.

I am deeply affected by emotional stories or images.

I tend to internalise feedback or criticism deeply, even when I know it's unfounded.

I feel emotionally drawn toward charismatic people and ideas.

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